reviews and noticings
You have created such authentic and multilayered characters and it is rare to have a story that is so engaging and that shifts continually from the perspectives of the different individuals.
Refreshing to have such insight into the lived experiences and motivations of each character, and you have fleshed them out so well that one can't help but care for every one of them.
Writing in the third person you have been able to probe their minds, emotions and dare I say it, souls to expose the very essence of their humanity.
You have written something that feels like a field of flowers. Had me at the first paragraph. Deeply sad but beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
You paint and sing with words and this 'music' dramatically contrasts with the content. It provokes the imagination, stirs the senses and shoves me onto a rollercoaster of emotions at the same time challenging the mind and any preconceived notions.
It's a journey that examines (as all good literature should) some aspect of the human condition with themes of loss of innocence and renewal of life. I will certainly be reading Sage's Son for a second time.
I couldn't put it down. Your writing style invites the reader to see it exactly the way you want them to just by using a few words. Love the use of an internal voice.
I savoured Amethyst like a warm cup of sweet milky tea, as it somehow felt so comfortable to read despite the storyline not being that comfy. Your stories have such heart. I loved "and the rest is history. Only thing is, the rest is never history.
The rest is often a shadow in the night keeping sleep from tired minds. It is panic in the wrong places, attacks landing on the wrong people or a bad taste in your mouth even after a good meal", So true!
The plot is suspenseful and clever with that cunning red herring that you planted midway.
Your graphic descriptions of living rough are amazingly vivid.

hi and hello bio
linkedIn ~ Ally Weinrauch

Born and raised in South East Queensland with Celtic ancestral homes, I am full of thanks to all who came before me so that I can have today as it is. I'm also full of love for those who are yet to follow & fill my arms and the future with their glowing lives. Mother to four, grandmother to one, tree hugger, sky lover, cat and dog person. MA of Communication from Griffith Uni, BA Community Development.
Redraku Pottery in the Moreton Bay Region operates with my partner Barnaby Weinrauch. Together we wheel throw, hand build, fettle and fire, hand paint, glaze and pack and dispatch pottery pieces for retail and wholesale around Australia. Redraku is flourishing in its eighth year of manufacture and we are invested in its future. Turning mud to mugs is our bread and butter.
Writing in the cracks of the day. Turning over ideas and imagery for storytelling. I once heard a quote "reading is breathing in and writing is the breathing out" and my days have become a beautifully balanced rhythm of this. I have two literary fiction novels out and work in progress (themes thick in the zeitgeist of 2025) and poetry always hovering, singing and waiting for a pen to catch it.
Have questions or need assistance? We are here to help and make friends. Open for conversation on pottery, poetry and or writing fun or facts, for a variety of wholesome or whimsical reasons.
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